alias sha1sum="openssl dgst -sha1"
in my .profile I can now do sha1sum $app_name.iso
to my heart's content.The Firefox 3 CD will now have all the supported locales on it, which is a step up from the Firefox 2 CD. Look for it in a Mozilla Store near you.
Lamentably, openssl has a format that's different than what sha1sum will give you (if you care because you're parsing it, or having other people parse it.
That's what this insanity is all about, BTW:
No idea if this gets around preed's lamentation, but OSX does come with Python, which has sha hashing functionality in its standard library. It's pretty primitive, but something like this might work:
alias sha1sum="python -c 'import sha, sys; print[1]).read()).hexdigest()'"
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